Kleinburg Brewery
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You have something unique to offer the world and you want people to find you. These days, when people are searching for a business, whether it’s a bakery or Search Engine Optimization services like UV Designs, most people use search engines like Google to find what they’re looking for. Google is one of the most notably used search engines in the world with 91.54% of the global market’s share. It’s important to focus on increasing your Google ranking by optimizing your website.
It was found that 75% of users do not go past the first web search page. Therefore, ranking high enough on Google to reach the first search page result is crucial to bringing in the most traffic possible to your website.
How to increase your Google rank? We’re listing 5 ways to get you started on improving your Google ranking.
Search Engine Optimization
The key to ranking higher on Google is through Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving your website to increase its visibility on search engines like Google.
Optimizing your website for search engines can enhance the amount of organic traffic to your website.
When creating content for your website, such as general web content or a blog post, begin by researching major keywords related to your industry. This will help you create targeted content to help you rank higher in Google and help you understand what keywords are being searched in your industry.
To find these keywords, there are a multitude of keyword search tools that you can use:
To illustrate, we used wordstream to look up words related to ‘Search Engine Optimization.’
Through this tool, you can see the monthly search volume and competition for the keyword. This will help you decide what keywords to incorporate in your content to improve your website’s Google rank.
Not sure where to start after where you found keywords for your website? We have a wide selection of SEO service plans to help your website rank as a top 3 website on Google.
When creating a website, it is important to organize your website with the appropriate tags in order to optimize it for search engines. Not only will this be aesthetically pleasing for humans to read but it will also allow web crawlers to index your site on search engines based on the data that you provide on your website’s code.
For example, the <Title> html tag allows humans to see that this is the title of the page whereas web crawlers will know what your content is about. Using html tags like <h1> and <p> also allow human users to clearly see the heading and paragraph text. On the other hand, web crawlers will look at the content found in the headings and paragraph to understand the hierarchy of the web page.
Are you not that familiar with web design and development? No worries, we have web designers who are not only experts at building websites but also experts at incorporating SEO for your website.
Learning about Google’s algorithm updates can help you optimize your content to adapt to Google’s new updates. This is because Google is constantly updating itself and it can give you a better understanding of how your website will be impacted by system updates. Not sure where to find more about the latest SEO news? Check out our blog for the latest updates about SEO, social, design, and web.
Have goals of ranking #1 on Google for your industry? At UV Designs, we can help you achieve it and more! Our team of skilled web designers, content writers & SEO experts, can help your website get noticed!
UV Designs delivers a world-class experience for you and your clients. Contact us today at 647.478.4938 and stay tuned for our next blog!